How to Buy Time While You’re Building Your Business

It takes time to build a business that can reach and impact hundreds or thousands of people. The problem for many entrepreneurs is that they don’t have time to waste when they need to pay the bills. When you find yourself feeling the pressure of needing quick results, it’s easy to stress and worry. But that doesn’t help you make progress. It only hijacks your mind and body as you feel worn out and frustrated. Here’s what to do when you need to earn income while you’re building out your long-term business plan that will reach more people...

7 Key Questions to Help You Simplify Your Business

When you confuse your customers, you lose them. Think about it. When you go to the grocery store to buy cereal and see a wall of dozens of options, your brain gets overwhelmed and you can freeze up. It would be much easier if you only had two or three options. The same is true for what you offer your ideal prospects. Keeping things clear and simple can have a huge impact on their lives, but also on yours.

The Power of Going Backward to Move Forward

When we begin our entrepreneurial journeys, we’re full of vision, excitement, energy, and anticipation to move forward fast. We dive head-first into the deep end and expect all the pieces to come together perfectly. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.