Developing valuable content for marketing or training purposes can feel daunting if you haven’t been formally trained. Add to that the pressure of producing more and more content every day to get noticed online and it can literally make you want to curl up in a ball and hide. But there is a way to develop high-quality content that doesn’t stress you out or exhaust you by just thinking about it.

Implement the following five simple steps to create and distribute winning content consistently for your business: 

1. Start With An Outline

To develop an effective content strategy, begin with the end in mind. What do you want to accomplish? Is it for marketing or training purposes? Will you create written, audio, or video content? What topic(s) will you address? Once you answer these questions, put together a simple outline of key ideas and subpoints that can be developed.

2. Flesh Out Your Ideas

Take your outline and begin to write bullet points for each of your key ideas or topics. What do you want the reader/listener/viewer to do with what you’re producing? Write out the deeper details for each point. Create a list of stories or case studies that can add life to each of your teaching points. 

hands at silver laptop with phone

3. Break It Into Bite-Sized Pieces

Most people are “skimmers” nowadays when they read blogs, listen to podcasts, or watch videos. Attention spans are shorter than ever before and time availability is extremely limited. When you go too long, you lose people’s attention and therefore their engagement with your products and services. Break your topics and ideas into smaller pieces that can be consumed quickly and easily. You can always give them options to engage with you more in-depth if they desire.

4. Repurpose Across Multiple Mediums and Platforms

People are engaging online on a variety of platforms. Twitter users don’t see everything on Facebook. Facebook users don’t see everything on Instagram or LinkedIn. Don’t worry about placing your content in too many places. After all, platform algorithms are determining what people see and when. The more you repurpose your content, the better. Use written, audio, and video forms to share the same content in a variety of ways. People learn and prefer to consume in a variety of formats, so connect with them on common ground.

5. Recycle Periodically

Due to algorithms and people’s online viewing habits, they won’t see what you put out there all the time. Don’t worry about being annoying. Worry about being ignored! Take past memes, blog posts, podcasts, and videos “out of the vault” from time to time. It’s likely your followers won’t remember that you ever shared them before. Remember that the internet is a noisy place and people see an unbelievable amount of content daily. It’s not that your content isn’t good; it’s just that it’s competing in a vast ocean with other options. Strategically recycle. What doesn’t connect today may go viral later. Stay in the game.

Content marketing is vital for online business success. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. Start small and build over time. If you like to write, blog. If you like to listen to podcasts, produce your own podcast content. If you’re comfortable with video, go live or share recordings. But before you do any creating, do the work of mapping out what you want to share with the end in mind so your content is connected and points people to your irresistible offers.

If you would like help building a business around your message that generates consistent income month after month, then check out Design Launch Grow today!

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